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Posted By Abacus Specialist Bathroom Solutions on 23/09/2018

Dudley Children’s and Adults Team benefit from rewarding Abacus ‘Client Centred Approach to Bathing’ CPD session

Dudley Children’s and Adults Team benefit from rewarding Abacus  ‘Client Centred Approach to Bathing’ CPD session

David Bertorelli, Abacus Regional Assessment Manager, and Kate Sheehan, leading Occupational Therapist, have delivered a CPD training session for Dudley Children’s and Adult Team at the Brierley Hill Health and Social Care Centre, West Midlands. 


Delegates participated in a rewarding session on “A client centred approach to Bathing” which explored the importance of bathing as a meaningful occupationand how to assess the occupational bathing needs of aclient. The free-to-attend session also discussed the application and proper implication of “legislation to support bathing”.


This is the second Abacus education session for the Dudley Children’s and Adult team who previously attended a ‘Lunch & Learn’ workshop which focused on safer bathing techniques. This included free ‘hands-on’ demonstrations of the latest Abacus assisted baths. Abacus was delighted with the positive feedback received from both events.


To book an Abacus CPD training course or ‘Lunch & Learn’ workshop, contact: 01527 400 024. 





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